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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

24th of May 2006

Today's been an odd sort of day. I went to bed last night at about ohhh 10pm, but didn't fall asleep until about 3. i woke up again at 4 because the cat had been shut into the lounge room and was hammering on the door. so at 4am i let her out, and she came into my room and promptly shoved me onto the edge of the bed. i don't know how she does it, but the cat always seems to end up with the middle of the mattress. i went back to sleep after that, and slept until 6.30am, when i was awoken by my stereo going off, blaring a live version of Cold Chisels 'My turn to cry', originally off the 'east' album. why? i have absolutely no idea. i thought, bugger it, i ain't goin' back to sleep, so i got up, had a shower, but stayed in too long to make my desired bus. so i missed the 7:20am bus i was intending to catch, instead catching the 7:50 to hobart. problem with that bus is that any minor traffic delays cause me to be late for my 9am lecture. i was late in the end, because the road had iced up during the night, and was subsequently closed. so i arrived at uni at about 9:15, didn't go to my philosophy lecture, and because i hadn't done the required work, decided not to go to two tutorials either.

so i'm sitting here, it's 12:16pm and i'm bored shitless. apart from this window, there's a google image window open, i was looking for images of ace frehley and kiss for this page. there is open, and is open as well. i was chatting to someone on there, but i asked her what she'd done today and she didn't bother replying.


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