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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

50 Reasons Why A Guitar Is Better Than A Woman

1. A Guitar has no brain
2. Wont get jealous.
3. A guitar wont get mad if you play with another guitar
4. You can have more than one guitar
5. A guitar doesnt get tired
6. A guitar doesnt have an attitude
7. You can take a guitar anywhere and it wont bitch
8. You can put a guitar in your closet and forget about it for a month
9. A guitar doesnt go on the rag
10. A guitar gets better with age
11. A guitar has more profit potential
12. You can play with a guitar in front of people and it wont mind
13. You can play with another mans guitar
14. Guitars are cheaper
15. You never get sick of playing a guitar
16. You can sell your guitar for another one
17. A guitar wont dump you for another player
18. A guitar doesnt make noise unless you want it too
19. A guitar doesnt mind if you sit around in your underwear and drink beer
20. A guitar doesnt care how much money you make
21. A guitar can't say no
22. You dont have to play with a guitar untill it comes
23. A guitar doesnt mind you get drunk before you play it
24. You can hit a guitar and it wont bitch
25. You can never have a morning after with a guitar
26. You never get in fights with a guitar
27. A guitar doesnt complain about you leaving the toilet seat up
28. A guitar doesnt take advil
29. All guitars are beautiful
30. A guitar wont lie
31. Its okay if your friend plays with your guitar
32. You dont have to worry about protection with a guitar
33. You never have to satisfy a guitar
34. You can fall alseep right after you get done playing with a guitar
35. A guitar doesnt smell like fish
36. You can shop for guitars
37. You can play with a guitar before you buy it
38. You can do anything you want with a guitar
39. The hole on a guitar doesn't need lubrication
40. A guitar never needs foreplay
41. A guitar never complains that the plug before it was longer/shorter/thicker
42. You never have to worry about getting it in the wrong hole
43. Guitars dont have mothers
44. A guitar wont complain if you play with it in a car
45. A guitar wont complain if you ignore it
46. Guitars dont have curfews
47. You cant get a guitar pregnant
48. A guitar wont spend all your money
49. Guitars dont get fat
50. A guitar doesnt care what time you come home at night


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