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Friday, December 12, 2008

2pm today is absolutely dead. by 2:05 wé're being raped with most of the customers being japanese men who don't speak english. its me and manny on counter, dean is the manager and dan is out the back. we really suffered this afternoon. no thanks to a manager who doesn't know how to manage. some of those customers waiting an hour in the line to be served, and dean spent nearly the entire hour playing with his computer, in full view of the customers. i asked him to help out on fries, he did for less than a minute. i ask for him to get ice, takes him fifteen minutes. if it happens again his computer is gonna end up in the dumpster. and just think how the customers feel, waiting so bloody logn in the line, some of them just for a cone, many with kids, and they just see a guy in a managers shirt doing absolutely nothign t ohelp their cause. i spoke to mark and he had words to dean. not sure what was said. the store's been donig really well, its going in the right direction with the exception of dean. my view is a view shared by most of the crew and if something isn't done experienced crew, who the store relies on, are gonna refuse to follow instruction and keep quitting until the store is left with new kids and hay street staff.


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