monday 14th of august 2006

ok, it's currently 12:10pm, i'm sitting here in elab1, looking out the door at the email terminals and two lesbians pashing. mmmm. haven't spoken to jess in over a week now, i miss her heaps (i still love you jess) and really hope we speak soon. got my hair cut on saturday - i lost half a kilo of long curly hair and now it's sort and naturally spiking on top. went on mission friday night to piss off some people - just the usual spraypaint and paint balloons and switching off the water. i'm currently surfing on LW at the moment, looking at my friends list - only astro online. she's one of the WA gang who have popped up on here and become aquainted with me recently. others include calculated risk and uncalculated risk (they're twins!), and victim raven, who i now call vamps, because she's all pale and doesn't like the sun. elli is also online, but i don't speak to her unless she speeks to me first, cause i'm afraid if i start a conversation she'lll bite my head off if she's not in the mood for a converstaion - one of the older teens on LW, and she seems to be one of only a few with her head screwed on right and no sheep loose in the top paddock. she's from adelaide. there are a surprising number of aussies on here, most of which i know or have spoken to at sometime or another.
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