it's the 28th of february, about 11.53am. i'm sitting here in the library, with nothing else to do. i've already had my one lecture for the day, philosophy, at 9am. i would go home, but i'm hanging round to sign up for some societies. i want to sign up for togatus, the TUU magazine. i've already written an article, i just have to type it and send it. maybe the cricket society as well. top shelf is also good. sit in the unibar drinking topshelf products.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
today is the 27th of february 2006. i started university today. had my first lecture, which was philosophy 1A, at 10am this morning. boring, we didnn't do anything. probably because it was the first lecture. i have journlaism this afternoon at 3.10pm, which is a long wait. that is why i'm sitting here in the library filling out this blog page. I've got some aircraft flying, i've got a job search window open, and i'm looking up the boeing GBU-15 televiison guided bomb. why? i have absoltuely no idea. boredom factor, i guess. because it's the state library i can't sit here playing games. i'm only supposesed to be on here for half an hour and that was 105 minutes ago. i'm utterly bored. I have a really bad headache because i didn't get mcuh sleep last ngiht. aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh