Friday, May 26, 2006
my improved blog page keeps on getting better and better. yesterday i added that spinning header, and today i added the big gene simmons picture in the sidebar and i widened the whole thing so the profile and s/bar don't keep being pushed to the bottom of screen. i also changed the number of posts on the main page. now, instead of the last 5 posts, you'll see the last five DAYS posts up. much more improved and i don't loose them as easily.
Friday 26th May '06
It's Friday Morning, 9:01am according to the computer clock. despite the cold there are lots of hotties hanging' around uni today. nice lookin' girls lookin' for a fuck, in a friendly way, not the crack whore slutty sort of way. I had a good day yesterday, i suppose. i bought a new watch, got a haircut, and some new clothes, but the fucking cat took a piece out of my thumb. still, shit happens. I only went to one lecture yesterday, because i only had one lecture yesterday. i'm supposed to be preparing for exams next month, but i don't know where to start. Aerosmith kick ass, but i read a rumor yesterday on the net that steve tyler has been diagnosed with throat cancer. the website, linked to on my sidebar, quickly denied this rumor. but even if he does have cancer, it can be beaten successfully if caught early. hey, look at charlie watts - he had throat cancer and a year later he was back on tour beatin' the shit outta his drum kit and proving that using the orthodox grip is better than the regular grip. ii've been having a long phone sex style conversation over the last few days, through livewire messages. needless to say i took it to far and she 'hung up' on me. lol. i just don't know when to stop. i better go now because there is a hottie over there making eyes at me - never waste the moment.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
24th of May 2006
Today's been an odd sort of day. I went to bed last night at about ohhh 10pm, but didn't fall asleep until about 3. i woke up again at 4 because the cat had been shut into the lounge room and was hammering on the door. so at 4am i let her out, and she came into my room and promptly shoved me onto the edge of the bed. i don't know how she does it, but the cat always seems to end up with the middle of the mattress. i went back to sleep after that, and slept until 6.30am, when i was awoken by my stereo going off, blaring a live version of Cold Chisels 'My turn to cry', originally off the 'east' album. why? i have absolutely no idea. i thought, bugger it, i ain't goin' back to sleep, so i got up, had a shower, but stayed in too long to make my desired bus. so i missed the 7:20am bus i was intending to catch, instead catching the 7:50 to hobart. problem with that bus is that any minor traffic delays cause me to be late for my 9am lecture. i was late in the end, because the road had iced up during the night, and was subsequently closed. so i arrived at uni at about 9:15, didn't go to my philosophy lecture, and because i hadn't done the required work, decided not to go to two tutorials either.
so i'm sitting here, it's 12:16pm and i'm bored shitless. apart from this window, there's a google image window open, i was looking for images of ace frehley and kiss for this page. there is korea.area00.com/newbie open, and livewire.com is open as well. i was chatting to someone on there, but i asked her what she'd done today and she didn't bother replying.
so i'm sitting here, it's 12:16pm and i'm bored shitless. apart from this window, there's a google image window open, i was looking for images of ace frehley and kiss for this page. there is korea.area00.com/newbie open, and livewire.com is open as well. i was chatting to someone on there, but i asked her what she'd done today and she didn't bother replying.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
US Army Ranger Admits to Committing Atrocities in Iraq
U.S. Army Ranger admits killing Iraqi civilians in cold blood normal practice
May 21, 2006
Jessie Macbeth, a Former Army Ranger and Iraq War Veteran Tells All
This 20 minute interview will change how you view the U.S. occupation of Iraq forever. I cannot possibly recommend this more highly. An Iraq war veteran tells of atrocities he and other fellow-soldiers committed reguarly while in Iraq. I have never seen this level of honesty from a U.S. soldier who directly participated in the slaughtering of Iraqis.
"When we were doing the night raids in the houses, we would pull people out and have them all on their knees and zip-tied. We would ask the man of the house questions. If he didn't answer the way we liked, we would shoot his youngest kid in the head. We would keep going, this was our interrogation. He could be innocent. He could be just an average Joe trying to support his family. If he didn't give us a satisfactory answer, we'd start killing off his family until he told us something. If he didn't know anything, I guess he was SOL."
"For not speaking out, I feel like I'm betraying my battle-buddies that died."
Watch the video here.
And you bloody yanks think you're so much better than everyone else. you tag the invasion resistance 'insurgents.' i call them bloody freedom fighters because you are the ones committing the attrocities whilst illegally occupying their country.
May 21, 2006
Jessie Macbeth, a Former Army Ranger and Iraq War Veteran Tells All
This 20 minute interview will change how you view the U.S. occupation of Iraq forever. I cannot possibly recommend this more highly. An Iraq war veteran tells of atrocities he and other fellow-soldiers committed reguarly while in Iraq. I have never seen this level of honesty from a U.S. soldier who directly participated in the slaughtering of Iraqis.
"When we were doing the night raids in the houses, we would pull people out and have them all on their knees and zip-tied. We would ask the man of the house questions. If he didn't answer the way we liked, we would shoot his youngest kid in the head. We would keep going, this was our interrogation. He could be innocent. He could be just an average Joe trying to support his family. If he didn't give us a satisfactory answer, we'd start killing off his family until he told us something. If he didn't know anything, I guess he was SOL."
"For not speaking out, I feel like I'm betraying my battle-buddies that died."
Watch the video here.
And you bloody yanks think you're so much better than everyone else. you tag the invasion resistance 'insurgents.' i call them bloody freedom fighters because you are the ones committing the attrocities whilst illegally occupying their country.
Monday, May 22, 2006
My new look page...
Over the last few hours I've been upgrading this blog, adding various attachements and links and pretty pictures of me. looks good now, doesn't it?
today i feel...
it's just turned 12:07pm, 22nd may 2006. i'm sitting here at uni, in one of the learning hub computers. i've been here since 8:50am this morning. i missed philosophy because it is boring as shit. i don't even know whether i want to take the exam or not. in fact, im so bored with all of this uni crap, that i don't know whether i'll turn up to sem. 2 at all. if i get a steady job between now and then i'll definetly drop university to save some money and get some life experience. i was thinking about doing some volunteer work for the hobart city mission or the salvation army. it always looks good on a resume` if you help the community and volunteer. i'm sitting here facing the door, because i hate open doors behind me. i fucking hate it when people walk in with a look of 'oh, please let there be a computer' on their face, when the only look on my face is "HAHAHA' fuck you shmucks. particularly the chinese students here, they shouldn't even study here cause none of them can speak decent english. i nearly ran one down in my car a few days ago because she couldn't read the road signs. there goes another one, peaking thorhough the door, looking to see whether there's a computer. ah, fuck you bitch. i've been sitting here for hours and there's nothing you can fucking do about it. HAHAHA.