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Thursday, September 27, 2007

It was on the good ship Venus
By Christ, ya shoulda seen us
The figurehead was a whore in bed
And the mast was a mammoth penis

The captain of this lugger
He was a dirty bugger
He wasn't fit to shovel shit
From one place to another

Friggin' in the riggin'
Friggin' in the riggin'
Friggin' in the riggin'
There was fuck all else to do

The captains name was Morgan
By Christ, he was a gorgon
Ten times a day sweet tunes he'd play
On his fuckin' organ

The first mate's name was Cooper
By Christ he was a trooper.
He jerked and jerked until he worked
Himself into a stupor


The second mate was Andy
By Christ, he had a dandy
Till they crushed his cock with a jagged rock
For cumming in the brandy

The cabin boy was Flipper
He was a fuckin' nipper
So he stuffed his ass with broken glass
And circumcised the skipper


The Captain's wife was Mabel
To fuck she was not able
So the dirty shits, they nailed her tits
Across the barroom table

The Captain had a daughter
Who fell in deep sea water
Delighted squeals revealed that eels
Had found 'er sexual quarters

Repeat Chorus to Fade

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Check this out...and chill

Monday, September 24, 2007

In Geopolitics

Nothing is ever as it first seems
so we're outta business for the next few days, the wreck that was myers is coming down today, still burning according to the mercury. should be down by end of tomorrow. that'll block off liverpool street and the entire middle cbd block. i knew there were leprachauns in cosmetic departments (theres a leprachaun under the rock, he tells me to burn things). understand? so i'm outta owrk, still gonna get paid and maybe gonna get send to another store if we aren't goingto reopen anytime soon. that could be cool. on this shit ass computer, keeps freezing. trying to look at myspaces and livewire and stuff but it keeps freezing grrrrrrr . hey its owrking now, i aborted a script now its going. coolness. spoke to shae today, out of credit as usual. so is laus. iv'e got shitloads (yay for vodafone $29 cap) lets see if youtube works now (something wasn't installed properly before. waiting, watiing, waiting, favourite videos, midget fight awww macromedia uninstalled itself shit happens i'll have to go into town to the library and see if it works there. peace out