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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

I feel loved. Been chatting to laus alot lately, spent $70 credit on her in like a week, but she's worth it *is happy*. so thats that. also, at work i've been getting alot of attention from sam(antha) and emma lately, its all in good fun, i'm lovin' the attention but laura doesn't like it. its all in good fun. got paid today, more money towards whatever it is i'm actually saving for. probably a perth trip next year. don't need a new guitar (right now) but i do want a new amplifier, especially if i start playing gigs soon. looking around on ebay alot, wasting my pay. absolutly owned through work today, got all the preclose stuff done (including washup) by like 3.30pm when its usually left for the kids to do when they come on at 4oclock. loosing another manager as well - mat has got a new job, he handed in his 2 weeks notice (crap movie) yesterday. damo's going as well, corey might be also. that sucks, changing of the guard at maccas cbd.

just logged into lw, no messages for me *sad* no messages on my phone either *sadder* and nobody is talking to me on msn *kills self*. shit happens.

zomg i just found a double necked bass guitar on ebay

i'm lonely. zomg hahahahaha ahahahahalollerskates