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Friday, December 22, 2006

Alright, upgrade time

OK i've finally upgraded to the new version of blogspot. no more beta blog for me. haha

Thursday, December 21, 2006

You've always been told throughout school to just do your best. Well what happens in life if your best is not good enough? should i just go fuck myself up because my best can't compete with any of the other fuckers around here? Because i'll never be the best i may as well go crawl up in a corner and die, that'll show all those people who've laughed in my face and kicked my when i was down. i've onyl got one decent friend left. it doesn't fucking help that one of the few people i thought i had as a friend turned out to just be using me as her play thing and summer light entertainment.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

ok, havne't got a hell of alot to say. msning with shae right now. did i mention i got GIVEN a car? yeah my cousin gave it too me cause he had to get it off the street or it'd be removed, and it didn't go anyway, so now its at the garage getting fixed up and made nice, and it should be back for me to learn in on thursday or sometime around then. its an 1983 honda sports car, goes fast when it goes at all.

read into this what you will. painted my toe and fingernails recently. toenails are pink and purple, fingernails are black.

looking into buying a new guitar - epiphone les paul custom: black body with gold hardware and dual humbuckers. most guitarists i know would cream themselves at the thought of it. now i just need to save $1000 for it.

Just thinking about the bushfires ravaging the country at hte moment. there are major ones in victoria and eastern tasmania (my state) which have been burning for near on half a month. i live about a kilometer from 'tinderbox hill', a hill thats the northern edge of bush which stretches unbroken all the way to the indian ocean. its a km walk, alot less cause theres a pretty big gulley in the way, so sparks and embers could easily make it across. hasn't rained a hell of alot this year either, so the whole country is dry. we were actually gonna put up a couple of friends from the east coast cause the fire was heading their way but they decided to stay and defend the house instead and they're ok now.

ok thats all for now. dont' know when i'm gonna get a chance to post again. thinking of all of you.