Something Very Profound
Taken this whole thing from see link at bottom of page night me and 2 of my friends went for a walk and started talking about random shit, and then we started talking about the meaning of life. We thought too hard about it, and this is what we came up with. It may be out of order and hard to understand, but it all made sense and the time and still does to us. Good luck trying to understand it. Here it is..............
condition1: knowing everything = nothing
condition2: nothing = relative bad
purpose of life = to overcome fear
to overcome fear, is to know everything equaling nothing
nothing = fear = bad
but if you dont fear
then everything = nothing
fear = death
fear is controlled by emotion
so if we overcome fear there is no use for emotion, therfore ceasing to exist
emotion = urge to know
ultimate knowledge = no purpose = ceasing of existence
no purpose = relative bad
to overcome fear = no emotion = nothing
purpose of life = no existence
p =
*If p= fails then follow this step*
Testing Steps
Step 1: Decrypt Sense
-outcome- rethink equation
there could only be two equations- both contradicting each other if equation one and equation two contradict then.. they cancel- non-existance thus creating p = true
relative logical impossibilty = relative illogical possibility
Human needs prevent ultimate knowledge = failsafe
need = wants in order to live = form of emotion in that if had would provide happiness/pleasure
"clinically a serial killer can't tell the difference between making a piece of toast and killing someone, due to no emotion" because of no emotion they make other people cease to exist. therefore proving and fullfilling p = in that our purpose is to not exist.
no emotion = ultimate knowledge = relative insanity
WE ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE..........................................................................................
before existance a generalized equation would be nothing equals.. nothing in that nothing exists ( = ).. in this equation there is no need for the variable of /purpose/ In existance an equation would be something equals something (x=x) but if something exists then.. there needs to be a purpose. Our purose would be to continue to exist, learning and gaining knowledge.. with a final goal to know all. Once.. we have reached that goal, though, we will then have no purpose but to.. not exist.. therefore giving our purpose = non existance
The theory of 11 dimensions (actual tested scientific theory) - 2 big walls... these wavey walls sort of.. move towards each other really fast, colide and bounce back.. (this supports and describes the big bang theory) creatig the big bang. As they spread apart, "space"gets bigger in the 3rd dimension... Over trillions of trillions of billions of years, a pattern has occured.. the walls have collided and gotten farther apart, and then sudenly went back towards each other and colliding again over and over. What this could mean is that while the walls get closer together, the (p= ) equation is being fulfilled and our universe's eqation is goin from (x=x) to ( = ) and repeating over and over...Which means that we are not actually the first lifeforms in exist, but just one of many alike existances. This also proves that there is no certain "god" or supernatural lifeform watching our every move.