Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
The reason I wish to be promoted to Intellectual status is because I know I am, without being egotystical or cocky, everyone who has ever private messaged me on livewire knows I am, and hopefully after reading the following response, you will as well.
The current event in question is the United States, and their ongoing quest to promote democracy around the world. How can the US be justified in its actions when it is, slowly but surely, shutting down democratic processes in its own backyard? Russia is one country which has recently been touted as undemocratic, by the United States, following the murder of a journalist last year when she was about to speak out against the government. Russia doesn't use spy satellites, phone and internet taps to monitor the actions of its population. Even under the auspices of keeping the nation safe from terrorism, these actions quite clearly breach your constitution. Terrorism, yes, that brings me to another issue, Iran.
The US, along with several western nations, have been claiming alot lately that Iran seeks to possess nuclear weapons, and to wipe israel off the map. There has been no proof, other than what has come out of Washington, that Iran seeks to build anything other than powerplants to supply its booming population...it seems that a great deal of the worlds political news is coming out of Washington these days. Back to Iran, it appears that it is on the list of oil rich nations to be targeted by the United States. All they need is justification. Just today, democratic speaker Nancy Pelosi is quoted as saying "President George W. Bush must seek congressional approval before taking any military action in Iran, unless Tehran attacks the United States first." I believe something similar was said around the middle of 1941 with regards to Japan.
How the pushing of democracy is effecting the world? The US is trying...attempting...to build the world in its image, but in the process is turning the world against it. Major powers such as China and Russia have been tagged as supporting terrorism in the world, but terrorism these days is a euphamism for any anti-US sentiment. As the world becomes more divided, the conflict the world won't survive looms ever closer.
My chosen area of study is music. I'm a self taught guitarist, I play in a popular local band. my influences as a guitarist range from Chuck Berry to Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton, Ace Frehley, Angus Young. I'm the only person I know to actually have an Ace Frehley poster on the wall, without the other members of the band on it. I also play piano, and studied classical music for 10 years until I decided to take up the guitar last year. On the piano I can tackle most styles of music, and can transcribe by ear (thats important). My ultimate ambition in life is to sell out Madison Square garden. Time will tell.
Is there such a thing as an unselfish act? You tell me. I don't believe there is. Contentment is the goal in life, and every little action you do has to make you content in some way. If you save someones life, then that provides a little warmth inside you as well. I've done that, so I know what it feels like. If you go to the lengths to save that person, then no doubt they mean a lot to you, and your life wouldn't be worth as much if they weren't around. Its all about being content, rather than happy.
Some people say I've got a dry, black sense of humor. I think I've just got a filthy mind. You'd be surprised how often 'thats what she said' can be used to liven the spirits surrounding you. for example, I was working last week, busy in the freezer. Some idiot turned out the light and shut the door. When I'd made my way to the door, and asked who turned off the lights, the only response I got was, 'sorry dude I didn't realise you were in there.' yeah, thats what she said.
The current event in question is the United States, and their ongoing quest to promote democracy around the world. How can the US be justified in its actions when it is, slowly but surely, shutting down democratic processes in its own backyard? Russia is one country which has recently been touted as undemocratic, by the United States, following the murder of a journalist last year when she was about to speak out against the government. Russia doesn't use spy satellites, phone and internet taps to monitor the actions of its population. Even under the auspices of keeping the nation safe from terrorism, these actions quite clearly breach your constitution. Terrorism, yes, that brings me to another issue, Iran.
The US, along with several western nations, have been claiming alot lately that Iran seeks to possess nuclear weapons, and to wipe israel off the map. There has been no proof, other than what has come out of Washington, that Iran seeks to build anything other than powerplants to supply its booming population...it seems that a great deal of the worlds political news is coming out of Washington these days. Back to Iran, it appears that it is on the list of oil rich nations to be targeted by the United States. All they need is justification. Just today, democratic speaker Nancy Pelosi is quoted as saying "President George W. Bush must seek congressional approval before taking any military action in Iran, unless Tehran attacks the United States first." I believe something similar was said around the middle of 1941 with regards to Japan.
How the pushing of democracy is effecting the world? The US is trying...attempting...to build the world in its image, but in the process is turning the world against it. Major powers such as China and Russia have been tagged as supporting terrorism in the world, but terrorism these days is a euphamism for any anti-US sentiment. As the world becomes more divided, the conflict the world won't survive looms ever closer.
My chosen area of study is music. I'm a self taught guitarist, I play in a popular local band. my influences as a guitarist range from Chuck Berry to Jimmy Page, Eric Clapton, Ace Frehley, Angus Young. I'm the only person I know to actually have an Ace Frehley poster on the wall, without the other members of the band on it. I also play piano, and studied classical music for 10 years until I decided to take up the guitar last year. On the piano I can tackle most styles of music, and can transcribe by ear (thats important). My ultimate ambition in life is to sell out Madison Square garden. Time will tell.
Is there such a thing as an unselfish act? You tell me. I don't believe there is. Contentment is the goal in life, and every little action you do has to make you content in some way. If you save someones life, then that provides a little warmth inside you as well. I've done that, so I know what it feels like. If you go to the lengths to save that person, then no doubt they mean a lot to you, and your life wouldn't be worth as much if they weren't around. Its all about being content, rather than happy.
Some people say I've got a dry, black sense of humor. I think I've just got a filthy mind. You'd be surprised how often 'thats what she said' can be used to liven the spirits surrounding you. for example, I was working last week, busy in the freezer. Some idiot turned out the light and shut the door. When I'd made my way to the door, and asked who turned off the lights, the only response I got was, 'sorry dude I didn't realise you were in there.' yeah, thats what she said.