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Thursday, January 17, 2008

here is my day today.

woke up and went into work. supposed to start work at 11 but because they had fucked up so badly on transition noddy got all pissed off and wanted me to start early. by that point i'd already ordered food but it was sitting in the hlz and he chucked it out, so i didn't get breakfast. btw there was no milk in the house (again) this morning so i couldn't have had any there either. nobody has the right to blame me, seeing as i continually turn up to work 15-20 minutes early and work right through my shift. everything went alright. polly asked someone if they could do his close, and seeing as no one else would do it, i did it. so instead of finishing at 3 i finished at seven. i'm to tired to figure that out. i work my fucking ass off, i do more hours than anyone else there (including management) and i get no recognition for it what so ever. true i did get crew person of the year but that was last year and only cause fuckhead was outvoted.

plus pay was delayed, came in 30hrs later than usual. so i'm out of credit, when i really really need to talk to laura. i love you so much babe. dont know how often if ever you read this. i know we argue sometimes but that could be a good thing. i'm feeling like absolute shit right now. sitting in franklin square (thankyou netgear) waiting for my next bus, nearly an hour after i left work.

ran into josh thompson a few minutes ago, hadn't seen him in a while.

so i'm sitting here, i've finished my subway. its a little cold, i can put up with it. there's no one else around. if my battery held out i'd stay here til 9.10 so i can stay on the net. since we don't have net at home, or at least effective internet. there's no one on msn. its juts gone eightoclock. i'm so tired, and i've got to be back at work in 12 hrs to do another eight hours shift. this is getting tedious. can't wait til i get out of here. 2 and a half weeks.

had a fire drill today, evacuated cat and fiddle arcade. was fun. gave us a chance to restart lunch without a fucked up transition slowing us down. we do our best, and we get shit for it. thats life

i love you laura mcgrath