Now, by all means i'm not saying i look great. I don't. That's why i'm currently going under a weight training plan that i've thought up and its working well. I'm doing a few before-during-after picture shoots for you guys as well, i'll prolly have a before and during up in a month or two.
First off, general health. Some of you bothered to read the FAQ and saw some of this already:
1. To gain muscle and lose weight, you have to remain healthy. (duh.)
2. Drink WATER! I cannot stress this enough, a few friends have commented on the weight ive lost so far and asked, whats your one tip? Your pill? Your laxative? They get even more puzzled when I reply simply with WATER! I have two gallon size water bottles that I go through daily. I drink one WHOLE GALLON any time before lunch and one WHOLE GALLON any time after lunch, and one WHOLE GALLON while working out. Sure, you'll piss alot, but water is natures diet pill. It burns calories, tricks you into thinking your full, and heats up foot and increases metabolism by up to 30%.
3. Keep on a routine!
Fat Loss (The old "S/he's more popular cuz s/he's skinnier!")
1. Water. Need I say more?
2. Exercise, even moderate amounts will help you out. A diet alone will not lose the weight you want, usually if you want to just DROP WEIGHT and not gain much muscle mass (for reasons such as making weight, etc.) cardio such as running would be helpful.
3. Stop snacking so much. I have two snacks a day. You think, wow, I usually only have one max! Yeah, but do you take into consideration that extra bag of chips from a la carte? Those 5 hershey kisses? You don't, do you? My mom has this problem, her job allows her to work at home, and she has a jar of hershey kisses in the kitchen. What she doesnt realize is that ON THE HOUR she goes into there and 'gives herself a little treat'. A little treat of 5 kisses, every hour, can easily turn into a hell of a lot of fat daily. Watch the little snacks.
4. Don't kid yourself. Back to my mom, shes in denial when I tell her about her kisses habit, and she claims that I come home from school and eat a good 5-10 of them. Deep down, we all know what we really eat, whether its healthy or not, etc.
Muscle Mass Tips (etc. 'Timmy gets more attention from girls cuz he gotz the gunz! What to do?'
1. Eat. Many guys think that they need to diet and eat less to gain muscle. WRONG. If you're to the point where you want to gain muscle, you should not have to be on a diet, you should be on a healthy routine. If your not that far, you need to get that far. Where do you think muscle comes from? Eat your meat, drink your milk and water.
2. In addition to cardio, work on weightlifting. Benchpresses, leg pushes, the works.
3. This is an odd rule. Ab's are a bitch. Many guys quest for the 6 pack of doom, its sexy, girls love it. It's also a BITCH TO GET! The best thing you can do for abs is to do curlups/situps. A big point here is to NOT do traditional situps, putting your hands behind your head put strain on your neck and hardly work your abdominal muscles. Fold them across your chest, and FLEX your ab muscles like hell. Try and lift your shoulders 1-3inches off of the floor, and repeat. Keep your stomach on the floor, just the shoulders and upper back should go up. This will work your abs like none other, you'll feel it when you try it and know what I mean.
I know it's not much, but it's helping me alot. I may add various tips in this thread as I go along, and hope I've helped you out so far. Thanks for taking time to read this, good luck. ;)