i had a really bad day yesterday. first of all i was knocked down by a car crossing the street, not injured just a little bemused as to why the car didn't see me. then when i got home i ended up burning my hand whilst cooking dinner, courtesy of my bitch of a sister who decided to come up behind me and try and tickle me without seeing the pot of boiling water i was holding. so now my hand is starting to blister and it hurts like hell - i'm typing left handed right now. there is one particular idiot (more probably a group of them) who continues to write slogans like 'jews kill babies' and 'burn jews not oil' all over the roads. that pissed me off the most - the fact that in modern australia there are some people who are so miserable as they have to take their own saddness out on diffenet religious and cultural groups. i don't understnad why its always been jews that have taken the shit, when there are hundreds of other ethnic and cultural groups in hobart. so that really pissed me off.
but jess makes me happy, but i haven't spoken to her yet today cause i had to go to the doctors to get my burns sorted out.
let me see, what was the last song i learnt on guitar? oh yes, i learnt the main riff to ac/dc's 'lets get it up', easy enough. but i also discovered how much fun it is to jam along with blues and rock n' roll songs playing via cd. i bought myself a copy of a bigger bang a few days ago, and have been jamming round on that. i also managed to findmyself a copy of the skyhooks living in the 70's album which i've been looking for for ages. the best riff ever to learn on guitar is walk this way, especailly if you learn it by ear, cause it exercises your left hand for fretting speed, it exercised your right hand for picking accuracy, and it also helps with the coordination between hands.