i'm officially loaded. today my bank balance ticked over $1000 for the first time ever. that'll go pretty quick though depending on what i want or need. thomas reakons he'll sell me his laptop for $900, which is pretty good cause its already got some games on it, its only a few months old and he bought it new for $1100. tis in good cnodition as well. spent an hour and a half on the phone to laura again last night, i love talkin' to her makes me happy like chocolate. she reakons i'm addictive. probably idk. just cruisin' livewire. happy. :)

Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Monday, October 01, 2007
Been working all day today, so far. up at six, into work at seven just finished and its 1:45. so many nicks and cuts on my hands atm, painful. burns look horrible as well. got 2 bandades :( one on my finger and one on my wrist (sure to freak the folks out). phoned laura up last nght and we chatted for about an hour (finally). she is really realyl shy, and didn't stop talking. would have talked longer except there were people interupting on her end, and people overhearing on mine, plus i had to come into work early. we reopen tomorrow at 9ish i think, gave the grills and frys a test run today, everything works, free burgers to the workmen who are around. working tomorrow as well, should be interesting. peace out