Wednesday, December 17, 2008
things are going alright. better than alright. i should really wrap this cert II up this week, glenis has already ordered the cert III, that'll take me 6 months then i'll be only the managers course. if things go accordig to plan i'll be engaged and a manager by my 21st birthday
Friday, December 12, 2008
2pm today is absolutely dead. by 2:05 wé're being raped with most of the customers being japanese men who don't speak english. its me and manny on counter, dean is the manager and dan is out the back. we really suffered this afternoon. no thanks to a manager who doesn't know how to manage. some of those customers waiting an hour in the line to be served, and dean spent nearly the entire hour playing with his computer, in full view of the customers. i asked him to help out on fries, he did for less than a minute. i ask for him to get ice, takes him fifteen minutes. if it happens again his computer is gonna end up in the dumpster. and just think how the customers feel, waiting so bloody logn in the line, some of them just for a cone, many with kids, and they just see a guy in a managers shirt doing absolutely nothign t ohelp their cause. i spoke to mark and he had words to dean. not sure what was said. the store's been donig really well, its going in the right direction with the exception of dean. my view is a view shared by most of the crew and if something isn't done experienced crew, who the store relies on, are gonna refuse to follow instruction and keep quitting until the store is left with new kids and hay street staff.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
cameinto work tosurf the net jeez cavitha has been kranky lately. parrantly deancan't keephis mouth shut. only got shit shifts thisweek, wednesday through sunday closes
Monday, December 01, 2008
Monday, September 08, 2008
this is such a great version of a great song, and joey does it so well. r.i.p joey ramone.
i love you laura, happy birthday baby
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
in coh, i haven't fonud this strategy written anywhere. i like to use snipers in squads, teaming them up in pairs or trio's or more will absolutely annihilate any squads they come across, due to their range the squads will be whittled away by the time they can attack ur snipers. using them in pairs also negates AT guns, which after loosing 2 crew members simply becomes redundant, then you can send guys in to capture the gun. When taking our support squads i.e. mg's, mortars, tell ur snipers to hold fire, the first one shoots, then once the weapon is remanned, the next sniper shoots. this gives the first guy time to reload and take the third shot to eliminate teh squad.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
And now, the end is near
And so I face the final curtain
You cunt, i´m not a queer
I´ll state my case, of which i´m certain
I´ve lived a life that´s full
And each and every highway
And yet, much more than this
I did it my way
And yes, i´ve had a few
But then again, too few to mention
But dig, what I have to fo
I´ll see it through with no devotion
Of that, take care and just
Be careful along the highway
And more, much more than this
I did it my way
There were times, i´m sure you knew
When there was nothing fucking else to do
But through it all, when there was doubt
I shot it up or kicked it out
I fought the just as before
And did it my way
Knocked out in bed last night
I´ve had my fill, my share of looting
And now, the tears subside
I find it all so amusing
To think, I killed a cat
And may I say, oh no, not their way
But no, no, not me
I did it my way
For what is a brat, what has he got
When he finds out that he cannot
Say the things he truly thinks
But only the words, not what he feels
The record shows, i´ve got no clothes
And did it my way
And so I face the final curtain
You cunt, i´m not a queer
I´ll state my case, of which i´m certain
I´ve lived a life that´s full
And each and every highway
And yet, much more than this
I did it my way
And yes, i´ve had a few
But then again, too few to mention
But dig, what I have to fo
I´ll see it through with no devotion
Of that, take care and just
Be careful along the highway
And more, much more than this
I did it my way
There were times, i´m sure you knew
When there was nothing fucking else to do
But through it all, when there was doubt
I shot it up or kicked it out
I fought the just as before
And did it my way
Knocked out in bed last night
I´ve had my fill, my share of looting
And now, the tears subside
I find it all so amusing
To think, I killed a cat
And may I say, oh no, not their way
But no, no, not me
I did it my way
For what is a brat, what has he got
When he finds out that he cannot
Say the things he truly thinks
But only the words, not what he feels
The record shows, i´ve got no clothes
And did it my way
Monday, July 21, 2008
hey its my first post in 2 1/2 months. this is my new baby http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/reviews/electric_guitars/epiphone/goth_1958_explorer/index.html
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
my friends don't like me but i really don't care
walk down the street all i get are stares
can't seem to break the chains i'm in
spend my time livin' in sin
is the world going mad or is it just me
dancing around the dopey tree
falling down around the world
drinking smoking too many girls
but it doesn't really matter
when you're down and out
doesn't really matter
when no ones hangin' round
couldn't care less what happens to you
just make some noise and yell it out
haven't really left the house in a few days
smoked some pot the world's a haze
drank all my wine and fell on the floor
couldn't get up to get some more
it doesn't really matter anymore
life is dead can't feel anymore
speedin' along like a freight train
failin' so bad like a space plane.
but it doesn't really matter
when you're down and out
doesn't really matter
when no ones hangin' round
couldn't care less what happens to you
just make some noise and yell it out
Doesn't really matter
doesn't really matter
nothing really matters
Post edited a
walk down the street all i get are stares
can't seem to break the chains i'm in
spend my time livin' in sin
is the world going mad or is it just me
dancing around the dopey tree
falling down around the world
drinking smoking too many girls
but it doesn't really matter
when you're down and out
doesn't really matter
when no ones hangin' round
couldn't care less what happens to you
just make some noise and yell it out
haven't really left the house in a few days
smoked some pot the world's a haze
drank all my wine and fell on the floor
couldn't get up to get some more
it doesn't really matter anymore
life is dead can't feel anymore
speedin' along like a freight train
failin' so bad like a space plane.
but it doesn't really matter
when you're down and out
doesn't really matter
when no ones hangin' round
couldn't care less what happens to you
just make some noise and yell it out
Doesn't really matter
doesn't really matter
nothing really matters
Post edited a
Ok tomorrow I go into flight center in sandy bay and book a flight for hte 13th of may to perth. i'm needed now. i was needed 3 months ago. but now i'm needed more than ever. i need to be there for laura, thats my job and i'm not going to let her down this time
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
i hate living here. i'd rather be in perth right now where laus is. i love you, nobody means as much to me as you do, and nobody ever will. i'm sorry for letting you down and makign you feel bad, you know i wouldn't ever do it on purpose but sometimes i just open my mouth and say things i don't want to say or thigns that hurt. i don't mean to hurt you, ever. i'm coming over early. i can't wait to get away from work. i can survive on $2000 for a little while, especially if i hit the ground running with working and hosue hunting. i could have my arms around you right now looking into your eyes and telling you how much i love you. but right now all i can do is tell you, we can't see each other face to face and smell and taste one another. it'll be ok baby. i love you